A Newest Wealth Attraction Secret To Attract More Wealth in 2025 And Crush Your New Year Wealth Resolution
Exposed: An Underground, Secret Experiment Funded By Millionaires & Billionaires
How To Activate A Special “Wealth Rhythm” Inside of You To Attract Money Like It’s Your Second Nature
Dr. Joe Vitale
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Star of the movie "The Secret"

Hi, it's Dr. Joe Vitale here.

There's one thing you must do if you want to be rich and turn your life into a haven of wealth.

❌ You might think it's positive affirmations…

❌ Or the law of attraction…

❌ Perhaps networking with the right people…

❌ Or the classic belief in getting a good education…finding a good job…and working hard.

Surprisingly, it's none of those.

In all my searches for ways to get rich…not a single one talks about this thing…

Even though it's the key to unlocking incredible prosperity…

You won't find it on any inspirational journey around the world…

And you can’t buy it from the internet gurus selling online courses...

And you certainly won’t find it on any books selling on Amazon…

Because This Thing Is Actually INSIDE Of You Right Now

And until a rogue scientist hired by the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)…

Revealed a secret experiment to me at a cafe in Boise, Idaho…

I had no idea how powerful this thing inside us could be...

When you activate it using a 7-Minute Morning Ritual…
It could turn you into a wealth magnet…

Can you guess what it is?

I'd be surprised if you could...

Because I’d never heard of this one thing until the day I discovered the secret INR experiments.

And this one thing exists in every human being on this planet earth…

That means when you activate this ONE THING inside you…

You can get riches to come your way effortlessly.

Skeptical? You should.

After all…it sounds too easy to be true.

But Just Read Till The End And You'll See Why This One Thing Has The Power To Rewrite Your Money Story…

It has already done so for myself and for thousands of others across the globe.

Allow me to introduce myself…
Hi, my name is Dr. Joe Vitale.

I'm a world-renowned personal development expert...

Who has over 35 years of experience helping people create the lives they desire and deserve.

I'm also the author of over 75 books on a wide range of development topics...

Including The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else)...

Which became a #1 bestseller twice, even beating the latest Harry Potter book. 

If you've ever felt stuck dealing with money troubles all the time…

You'll know how it feels like to be on a never-ending merry-go-round…

Working your butt off just to keep from drowning. 

You've probably tried everything under the sun to break free... 

From digging into the traditional "law of attraction" thing…which…let's be real…can be kinda hit-or-miss…

…to trying out different side hustles…

Only to flush more money down the drain. 

You may even pull double duty at work…

Thinking it would set you up for a better future…

But no matter how hard you tried…

Surprise bills would pop up like clockwork…

Whether it was fixing a busted appliance or some unexpected fee—keeping that endless money struggle going.

Pushing through the tiredness… 

You’d feel like you're running on fumes … 

But as long as you could put food on the table for your family…

You keep on grinding…knowing every little effort counts toward a brighter tomorrow. 

You see…

We’re living in a challenging world right now - inflation this… price increased that… 

Despite everything going on, you still have to pay for everything. 

You dine out, you have to pay. 

You buy groceries, you have to pay. 

Your house mortgage, you have to pay. 

You literally have to pay for everything. 

So it’s without a shadow of doubts that all of us need more wealth… more money to live happily and enjoyably in this world. 

If you have a lot of fear and drama surrounding money… 

And feel there’s barely enough to get by… 

Not knowing if you have enough in your bank account for your golden years…


Then This Wealth Manifestation Latest Discovery 
Could Change Everything For You

I learned about this shocking discovery from two close friends of mine, Mike Callen and Dr. Howard Hill, who worked at an underground, secret project...

And this project was funded by some of the world’s most powerful and rich people...

The Goal Is To Tweak Human’s Internal Rhythms So They're In Sync With Money And Wealth

According to Mike and Dr. Hill…

This won't see the light of day until the year of 2024.

After they kicked off the program…

They developed a technology using RHYTHM.

And get this— with this special rhythm…

It only takes about 7 minutes a day for ordinary people like you and I to attain riches that surpass even the grandest scenarios in your mind.

Some of the scientists in the project had already used that rhythm technology to manifest cold hard cash…
And brought their families on luxury vacations.

The stakeholders who funded the project insisted on absolute secrecy...

Every member of the experiment team was bound by an ironclad agreement…

…forbidding them from breathing a word about it to the public.

Only top politicians…millionaires…and billionaires were allowed access…
But I feel the public should know about this! 

The poor shouldn't keep getting poorer while the rich get richer…

I mean…why shouldn't everyday people like us have a shot at a better life? 

So with the little info that I got from Mike and Dr. Hill…

I went down this rabbit hole… researched day and night… experimented all day long…

After 1 Year of Dedication and Hard Work, I Feel It's Time to Spill The Beans...

People need to know about this rhythm technology for a wealthier future.

You know how your heart beats, right?

That's what keeps you alive…

But that's just the tip of the iceberg…

You Also Have Biorhythm…

Which is your body's inner beats…

And it's the quiet force that shapes your life and experiences.

We measure the biorhythm on a Deep Neural Network and analyze the data in waves and graphs.

There are two phases of biorhythm in our lives…

The high phase and the low phase

Picture this:

When you're in the low biorhythm phase…

It's like trying to swim against the current.

Everything feels like a bit of a struggle…

And manifesting wealth?

Well…let's just say it's like trying to dance in quicksand.

Many of us are STUCK in the biorhythm low phase more than we'd like…

Because of the daily stress…daily grind…or just life throwing curveballs our way.

But when you’re in a high biorhythm phase…

It’s like catching a wave when surfing.

Suddenly…manifesting wealth becomes as smooth as butter on a hot day.

And you're PULLING IN abundance like it's second nature.

In that experiment lab…

Scientists Call A High Biorhythm Phase 
The Wealth Rhythm

Because when your body has Wealth Rhythm playing in every cell…

You’ll operate in a high biorhythm phase…

Which is your gateway to money…

Since you need more Wealth Rhythm…

You should know the power source that affects your rhythm…

…is a tiny gland in your brain called the pineal gland.
The more efficient your pineal gland…

The more Wealth Rhythm you get.

So what you really need is a well-oiled…high-performing pineal gland.

Numerous studies have found people who did not grow up wealthy had a genetically under-performed pineal gland…

…unable to generate Wealth Rhythm.

In the world's best-selling book called “The Body Keeps the Score”...

The author mentioned something called “Generational Genetics”...

…which is genetics that is passed down from one generation to the next.

So…when our ancestors and parents went through financial hardships…

Those experiences left marks on the genes in their pineal glands.

These marks get passed down from generation to generation…

Causing our pineal gland's genes to also carry those financial hardships’ marks.

Consequently…these financial hardships’ marks encoded in our pineal gland's genes constantly attack our pineal gland…

Diminishing its ability to generate Wealth Rhythm.

I couldn’t believe it when I learned about this truth.

Our pineal gland is carrying the financial hardships’ marks that were passed down from our ancestors…

Causing it to be unable to generate wealth rhythm! 

This Is Why Manifestation Doesn’t Work 
For So Many People

It’s because of their UNDER-PERFORMED pineal gland that’s unable to generate Wealth Rhythm…

Blocking them from manifesting the money they rightfully deserve.

You fix your pineal gland…

Allow it to generate Wealth Rhythm…

And you’ll start painting the canvas of your life with strokes of financial success.

At first, I can only imagine what kind of crazy scientific procedure it would take to fix our pineal gland…

But after my extensive research...

You'd be surprised at how simple it is. 

New research from the University of Helsinki found out sound frequencies could change our genes’ behaviors…

And stimulate them to perform at the most optimum level.

So we started to double down on our research on how we could use sound frequencies to supercharge our pineal gland to generate Wealth Rhythm.

Which kind of makes sense if you think about it.

Frequency is what shapes everything in the entire universe!

Even the famous Nikola Tesla confirmed this:
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
- Nikola Tesla -
So we know that music…or more importantly…the sound frequencies that music produces…

Can activate our pineal gland to generate Wealth Rhythm…

That Simply Means We Can Ignite Wealth Rhythm And Attract Prosperity In All Forms With A Certain Music Frequency

Mike, Dr. Hill, and myself then developed 3 additional wealth rhythm sound frequencies which appear even more powerful…

But they’re almost done. 

For now…
This first batch of wealth rhythm sound frequencies are finished and extremely precise.
There are 2 specific numbers.

Each one had 7 decimal points.

So they looked like this:


Now those aren't the actual numbers…but you get the point.

This number was specific down to the 7th decimal point.

But you have to listen to these two Wealth Rhythm sound frequencies on headphones…

That’s how you can get the magic of these 2 Wealth Rhythm sound frequencies.

This is what allowed those scientists in the experiment team to attract tangible cash.

You listen to this for 7 minutes a day…

And you can begin to create a life overflowing with prosperity.
I gotta say…

I could hardly contain my excitement at that time.

I mean…all of this is new to me…

And it’s not even available to the public yet? 

I felt an exhilarating rush of privilege to be among the first to discover something so noteworthy. 

I then shared this with my private clients who paid me $10,000 for consultation…

Here’s What They Have To Say:

They’ve Activated Their Wealth Rhythm…

I feel like the universe has chosen me to share this wealth manifestation's newest secret with the world.

Now that it’s helped my private clients attract wealth as natural and as easy as breathing…

Introducing the first Wealth Rhythm sound frequency proven to uniquely target your pineal gland…

…and generate Wealth Rhythm.
Why wait months or years and work tirelessly, pull double shifts…

…grind for 12 hours a day…

…to manifest your very best life when you don’t have to?

With The Wealth Rhythm Code...

You put on your headphones…simply press "play"
...and listen to it for just 7 minutes

That’s all there is to it.

The Wealth Rhythm Code does the work for you so you can step into a wealthy reality.

All by harnessing the brilliance of some of the smartest scientists on earth...

The cream of the crop actively pursued and recruited by that underground, secret experiment team.
Lots of folks are trying different things to get rich. 

Some are into stock market trading…Thinking they can make a quick buck buying and selling stocks.

Others are doing side hustles…

…trying to pick up extra work or freelance gigs to boost their income.

And some even fall for multi-level marketing…

Where they sell stuff and try to recruit their friends and family members into the business...

And I don't want you to have to experience any of that…

Which is why I’m SO excited to share the Wealth Rhythm Code with you today…

Because I want to help you break out of the repetitive loop of financial worries and stress.

I know first hand how difficult it is to meet the never-ending financial needs...

It’s so hard to get ahead..

No matter how hard you work.

Something always comes up that keeps you broke.

Unexpected medical fees…monthly utility bills…your home groceries run out rapidly…

And the price of goods is always on the rise…

It’s not your fault though.

You’ve been taught about the outdated…slow wealth manifestation techniques.

But now that you know about the Wealth Rhythm that’s already inside of you…

You Can Join The 13,977 Men And Women Around The Globe Now Manifesting Wealth With Ease And Grace Since Activating Their Wealth Rhythm


But How Exactly Do You Use The Wealth Rhythm Code?

I love answering this question because it’s so SIMPLE.

Here’s what you do:

1. Get up in the morning…

2. Sit down with a cup of coffee or breakfast or whatever you have in the morning…

3. Pop a pair of headphones or earbuds in your ears…

4. And press “play” on your smartphone or computer.

5. Listen to the two different frequencies at the same time for 7 minutes.

I’ve already programmed all this for you…

And then go about your day! It’s really that easy.

From there…you simply let your Wealth Rhythm do its thing.

Soon you’ll start to see money…wealth…and abundance flow into your life.

Just like it did for my early beta-testers, and now the thousands of others in over 70 countries who have tested the Wealth Rhythm Code since then.

But I have to caution you about one thing right now.

If this page is still active…

That means you still can secure your copy of the Wealth Rhythm Code.

And This Is The ONLY Place You Can Get The Wealth Rhythm Code

Here’s the issue.

The underground experiment team and the secret stakeholders who funded them will NOT be happy when they learn about this info being leaked to the public. 

This was supposed to be a secret that the elites kept to themselves. 

They don’t want the public to know about this so they can continue to control and own 99% of the world's wealth. 

So if you even think you want the Wealth Rhythm Code, and who wouldn't?

I urge you not to close out of this page until you’ve secured your copy of the Wealth Rhythm Code.

And get this:

This is not about me.

I’m already living comfortably and without worry.

I could constantly travel around the world and live out the rest of my days in peace.

But I feel like I owe it to humankind to expose the truth...

I believe everyone should be given the chance to activate their Wealth Rhythm…

And attract wealth effortlessly.

Which is why I’m not going to ask you to fork over a bunch of money just to get your copy of the Wealth Rhythm Code.

How much is the Wealth Rhythm Code worth to you…

If you could add a 0 to the end of your bank balance faster than you believe possible…

If you could bring your family on a luxury vacation…

If you could spend extravagantly on the things you love, guilt-free?
Numerous People Have Told Me That I Should Charge Upwards...

Of $1,000 For These Tracks!

But I’m not in this for the money.

My mission is to get this out to as many people as possible before the authorities finally shut down this website for good.

And charging a hefty fee like that would prevent many people from benefiting from the Wealth Rhythm Code.

So I won't ask you to invest anywhere near $1,000 today.

Not even $500.

You don’t even need to pay $100.

In fact…I’m not even interested in making a profit on this.

All I ask is that you cover the expenses it takes to create these tracks and run this website.

Which means…

I’m only asking you to pitch in just $47 today.
But that’s not all…

I’ve turned the Wealth Rhythm Code from a CD track to now a digital audio track.

Which means you save another $10 since there’s no shipping.
So I’d like to offer you the Wealth Rhythm Code for just $37.

Regular Price: $197

On This Page Just $37

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

That’s another $10 off!

Like I said…

I won’t be earning any profit from this Wealth Rhythm Code.

All I ask is you consider writing me your success story the moment you experience a life where financial wishes come true.

All you have to do is click the “Add to cart” button…

Then you’ll be taken to our 100% safe and secure checkout page…

Where you’ll enter your order information and credit card number.

Just so you know…we’ve partnered with the online platform called “Clickbank” to process our transactions.

That’s because they offer “best in class” world-class, military-grade encryption and security.

So your details are 100% safe and secure.

And as soon as you hit “submit”...

Your digital Wealth Rhythm Code audio track will be emailed to you in about 5 minutes.

And you don’t have to wait for a physical package to be mailed to your home.

Regular Price: $197

On This Page Just $37

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

But that’s not all you’ll get when you place your order today.

Because I’ve decided to throw in a few free gifts to sweeten the pot when you place your order for Wealth Rhythm Code today.

And these free gifts aren’t available anywhere else.

Free Gift 1: Wealth Mastery Blueprint ($97 Value)

As your Wealth Rhythm comes alive, the transformation can be overwhelming and exciting as you step into a wealthy reality. That's where this strategic Wealth Mastery Blueprint steps in as your companion to streamline the abundance and ensure a smooth, purposeful transformation. This isn't just about managing the changes; it's about mastering the art of wealth and creating a blueprint for your long-term financial success.

Free Gift 2: The Millionaire Formula ($67 Value)

This is a proven formula millionaires use to create millions for themselves. The Millionaire Formula is your exclusive guide to turn your initial wealth from Wealth Rhythm into a perpetual source of financial abundance. With it, you're not just manifesting wealth; you're creating a legacy of financial success that lasts a lifetime.

Free Gift 3: Power Pay Protocol ($127 Value)

The Power Pay Protocol gives you the steps to confidently ask for the salary raise you've always dreamed of. It’s your strategic guide to navigating salary negotiations and securing the income you're truly worth. 

With The Power Pay Protocol, you're not just asking for a salary increase; you're empowering yourself to take control of your financial future and secure the income that reflects your true value. This is what would heighten the effect your Wealth Rhythm brings you.

Free Gift 1: Wealth Mastery Blueprint ($97 Value)

As your Wealth Rhythm comes alive, the transformation can be overwhelming and exciting as you step into a wealthy reality. That's where this strategic Wealth Mastery Blueprint steps in as your companion to streamline the abundance and ensure a smooth, purposeful transformation. This isn't just about managing the changes; it's about mastering the art of wealth and creating a blueprint for your long-term financial success.

Free Gift 2: The Millionaire Formula ($67 Value)

This is a proven formula millionaires use to create millions for themselves. The Millionaire Formula is your exclusive guide to turn your initial wealth from Wealth Rhythm into a perpetual source of financial abundance. With it, you're not just manifesting wealth; you're creating a legacy of financial success that lasts a lifetime.

Free Gift 3: Power Pay Protocol ($127 Value)

The Power Pay Protocol gives you the steps to confidently ask for the salary raise you've always dreamed of. It’s your strategic guide to navigating salary negotiations and securing the income you're truly worth. With The Power Pay Protocol, you're not just asking for a salary increase; you're empowering yourself to take control of your financial future and secure the income that reflects your true value. This is what would heighten the effect your Wealth Rhythm brings you.

Ok, Those 3 Bonuses Have A Total Value of $291... They're Yours For FREE When You Get The Wealth Rhythm Code Today!

Just click on the “Add to Cart” button below right now.

Regular Price: $197

On This Page Just $37

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

So think about it like this:

At $37…

If all The Wealth Rhythm Code did for you was…

Let you manifest money almost on auto-pilot…

SCOOP UP money that you rightfully deserve…

…and give you more financial and time freedom…

…wouldn’t The Wealth Rhythm Code be worth 5, 10, even 20 times more than just $37?

Of course it would...

You can start MAKING the money you so rightfully deserve...

You get to even UNLOCK a new level of freedom and security

…where you do the things you want to do.

Whether that’s booking a flight to Cancun…

…and staying in a 5-star resort with a personal butler…

…or whether it's simply enjoying more time doing the things that you love with your family...

Oh and one more thing I want to mention...

You’re Backed By Our 365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Here’s how it works: Simply click the “Add To Cart” button below this video and place your order for the Wealth Rhythm Code.

Once you download the audio tracks to your cell phone or computer…

I want you to listen to the tracks every morning for 7 minutes straight, and I want you to do this for the next 30 days in a row.

If you do this, there is no doubt in my mind you will start seeing money appear in your life.

Now the money comes differently for every person, based on your particular rhythm. I don't know exactly what it will look like for you. But you’ll know when you see it.

So if you wanna join the ranks of people building real wealth, I urge you to download your copy of Wealth Rhythm Code today.

And I know you’ll step into a life of boundless abundance because you took action today.

But if for any reason, that turns out not to be the case, and you’re not completely satisfied with your life after activating your Wealth Rhythm, simply shoot us an email at support@wealthrhythm.com, and we’ll refund you every penny.
Which means when you click the “Add To Cart” button to place your order today…

You’re basically just saying “maybe” to the Wealth Rhythm Code.

And you have an entire year to experience what life can be like once you’ve activated your Wealth Rhythm.

I’ve decided to shoulder all the risks here so I can help as many people as possible while this webpage is still up…

…which probably won't be long.

So click the “Add To Cart” button below and place your order with ZERO risk to you.

Regular Price: $197

On This Page Just $37

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

The way I see it…

You’re now at a crossroads, and you have a choice to make.

Option 1: Ignore Everything You Just Read

You can ignore everything you’ve heard today and continue living life the way you have been. You can continue to work even harder and never get off that financial hamster wheel.

Every day feels like a wrestling match with bills, and the weight of debt? It's like carrying a ton of bricks on your back, making every step an uphill battle. Dreams you once had? Yeah, they're like a distant memory, drowned out by the constant noise of overdue bills and the fear of falling into financial ruin.

Worse still, what if you pass down these pineal gland genes that carry financial hardships’ mark, causing your kids and then their kids to be unable to generate Wealth Rhythm … and they all struggle with financial challenges all because you didn’t fix it when the solution was right in front of you.
Every day feels like a wrestling match with bills, and the weight of debt? It's like carrying a ton of bricks on your back, making every step an uphill battle. 
Plus I think you and I both know that you landed on this page for a reason today…

So knowing what you know now…

Why wouldn't you try the other path?

The one filled with wealth and abundance.

Because we both know that you're going to get the same results until you try something new.

But You Know It Doesn't Have To Be This Way...

And I think that the fact that you're even here today is a clear sign that you are open to trying something new…

And that something is...

Option 2: Say “Maybe” To The Wealth Rhythm Code

You can say “Maybe” to the Wealth Rhythm Code. You’ll start attracting wealth that you rightfully deserve. No longer do you shy away from discussions about financial success or exotic experiences because now you're living life at its fullest. 

Your opinions carry weight, and people seek your insights, recognizing the wisdom that comes from a life lived in prosperity. Your friends will come to you and ask about your success secret and what’s changed… but only you'll know.
Imagine stepping into a world where financial concerns are mere echoes of the past. 

Your bank account reflects not just numbers...

But a sense of security and freedom. 

Imagine making decisions not based on what you have to sacrifice...

But on what truly resonates with your desires.
And "dream vacation" isn't just a phrase but a regular occurrence. 

Your passport...filled with stamps from exotic destinations...

Whether it's the pristine beaches of Bali...

The historic streets of Rome...

Or the breathtaking scenery of Switzerland...

The world is your playground!

Meals are not about eating to be full but indulging in gourmet experiences.

You savor culinary delights that match the richness of your life… all while your bank account continues to grow effortlessly.

I know this is the reality you've been longing for…

And you’ll never forgive yourself if you let this opportunity move right by you.

Go ahead and click the “Add To Cart” button to take advantage of this 100% risk free opportunity to create a life rich in experiences, joy, and freedom.

Regular Price: $197

On This Page Just $37

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

This Is EVERYTHING You Get When You Order 
The Wealth Rhythm Code Today! 

✅ The Wealth Rhythm Code

$197.00 Value

✅ Wealth Mastery Blueprint

$97.00 Value

✅ The Millionaire Formula

$67.00 Value

✅ Power Pay Protocol

$127.00 Value

Total Value:

$488.00 Value

Regular Price: $197

On This Page Just $37

 Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server using SSL technology.

Frequently Asked Questions

 I've tried other wealth manifestation programs, but they didn't work. How is The Wealth Rhythm Code any different?

Most programs simply focus on "feel-good" feeling - while completely ignoring that your pineal gland's genes are carrying financial hardship marks, which makes it impossible for your pineal gland to generate wealth rhythm and manifest greater wealth. 

This is what the Wealth Rhythm Code does for you.

It's not just any ordinary, generic "wealth manifestation" or "the law of attraction" program. This is a scientifically proven breakthrough that activates your pineal gland so it generates wealth rhythm for you, which is key to unlocking incredible prosperity.

 How is my personal information protected?

We protect your personal information with 256 bit encryption technologies using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). It's military-grade, meaning your personal information could not be safer. 

 How does the guarantee work?

You’re backed by our 365-day 100% money-back guarantee. 

If you listen to the Wealth Rhythm Code, there is no doubt in my mind you will start seeing money appear in your life. Now the money comes differently for every person, based on your particular rhythm. I don't know exactly what it will look like for you. You’ll know when you see it. You’ll step into a life of boundless abundance! 

But if for any reason, that turns out not to be the case, and you’re not completely satisfied with your life after activating your Wealth Rhythm, simply shoot us an email and we’ll refund you every penny. 

Which means you’re basically just saying “maybe” to the Wealth Rhythm Code. And you have an entire year to experience what life can be like once you’ve activated your Wealth Rhythm. I’ve decided to shoulder all the risks here so I can help as many people as possible while this webpage is still up, which probably won't be long.

 How soon can I expect results?

Since every person's pineal gland gene's makeup is different, the answer isn't the same for everybody. Some experienced massive results as soon as the next day. Others have taken months fully activate their pineal gland and generate Wealth Rhythm. I recommend using it everyday for a full month. The more consistent you are, the more dramatic your results will be. 

Plus, you have an entire year to try it out!
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